Proudly Serving New York’s Hudson Valley & Northeast Pennsylvania


Employee Spotlight: Nate Outwater

Employee Spotlight: Nate Outwater

Continuing our interview series we have Outside Sales Representative, Nate Outwater, answering our burning questions. Read on for the interview.

Partner Rentals (PR): What is your job at Partner Rentals and what do you do?

Nate Outwater (NO): I am Partner Rentals’ outside sales rep for Ulster County. I also frequently work to grow our business in Sullivan and Greene Counties. My role is to grow and maintain our relationships with our commercial, government, and not for profit customers.

PR: How did you get into the equipment rental industry?

NO: It was recommended that I apply while I was working as a bartender in Kingston by our current Dutchess County representative, Ernesto. I had experience in the retail sales field and was looking for a more stable working situation. Plus, construction equipment is just cool, don’t let anyone tell you tell you otherwise.

PR: What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?

NO: Its best to admit you don’t know everything and work to learn rather than being confident and wrong.

PR: What’s the best advice you could give to someone just starting their career?

NO: It is a lot easier to ruin a relationship with a customer than it is to build one. Make sure you have a good rapport with your accounts.

PR: What do you like to do outside of work?

NO: Outside of work I like to play guitar and collect vinyl records.

PR: Which accomplishment are you most proud of (work-related or not)?

NO: It’s not exactly an accomplishment and I probably didn’t do anything to earn it, but I’ve always been proud of the fact that I am a fast learner. If I put my mind to understanding something or gaining a skill, I can have a working knowledge or capacity in a few days.

PR: Tell me something about yourself that no one knows.

NO: Nice try. You’ll never get me to talk.

PR: What’s the weirdest fact you know?

NO: Peregrine Falcons have a dive speed of almost 200 MPH.

PR: If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your time?

NO: With unlimited funds and time, I’d spend most of my time traveling.

PR: What is your favorite piece of construction equipment?

NO: Telehandlers, every job site should have one and I’d love to help make that happen for yours.

Keywords: Partner Rentals, employee, employee interview, telehandlers, equipment sales, equipment rentals

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